A Steadfast Spirit 2025

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable,

always abounding in the work of the Lord,

knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”

1 Corinthians 15:58

I don’t know about the rest of you, but this last year was tough for me through trials and grief, accountability and commitment, perseverance and longsuffering. When this new blog site was relaunched, I was trying to work towards some of these struggles, but I clearly wasn’t ready and just could not seem to get myself in the headspace to stick to my plan.

In my acronym, BALM, I wrote about being consistent and attaining accountability, but I have not gotten to the second half of this acronym. Before I do so I want to set the stage for a successful year, following Jesus wherever He leads.

Last year “still” was my focus word, which is where I came up with the name for this website.  Through the practice of being still, I have developed some good habits especially on meditating scripture and listening to God. But in recent reflections, I have come to recognize a weak area of my life that may be preventing me from getting very far and may even be rooted in a stronghold in my life, a wavering spirit.

Let me explain because I have never wavered in my love for Jesus, but I often falter in my convictions which results in poor decision making, feelings of insecurity or inadequacy, and regret. From going along with a group decision that I don’t agree with to not enforcing rules in my home, there were too many times that I caved to groupthink and did not stand up for the truth. But this is not who I want to be or how I want to be known.

Over the last few months, God has repeatedly brought me to James 1, which has a lot to say about a wavering spirit. In verse 8 we are told that, “a double minded man is unstable.” In verse 12 we read, “Blessed is the man who endures temptation.” In verse 22 we are reminded to, “be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” As in verse 23, I was looking in the mirror and forgetting what I looked like. Or more on point, I was reading the word, but not sticking to what God purposed in my heart.

As I read through the Christmas story this year, a repeating phrase jumped out at me; every time an angel approached someone, their words started with, “fear not.” Fear has been my problem; fear of rejection, of failure, of being wrong. When we fold to fear, we feed insecurity which leads to a wavering spirit. But if we hold steadfast and stand up for our values, for truth, love, and integrity our fears fade.

Merriam-Webster defines steadfast as: firm in belief, determination, or adherence. It seems as though I have stayed determined in only a few things over this last year. Often giving up when it gets rough, especially when it comes to differing viewpoints or even decision making with other people. The pushover in the room with no real conviction, honest to a fault, but not well respected because my peers see how easily I cave. This has been the source of work frustrations, but I did not recognize it until recently.

This, however, is not who I am, I am a child of God. Romans 8:14 – 15 tells us that if we are led by the Spirit we are God’s children, adopted into His family. I need to start trusting myself and remember that often I am being led by the Holy Spirit and He knows better than anyone else. Whether I win or lose, stand or fall, I need to be led by the Spirit and I need to trust Him!

As I had mentioned in my Christmas letter, Mary had to be steadfast 2,000 years ago as she went through the most amazing, but terrifying experience, giving birth to the son of God. Rather than running away in fear, she faced this challenge and greeted it as an opportunity. Friends, trials and challenges are opportunities to grow, will you join me this year in developing a steadfast spirit?

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God speed!


2 thoughts on “A Steadfast Spirit 2025”

  1. Thank you! I want to be better at being still and listening to the Holy Spirit. This new year is a time to reflect from the previous and evaluate my successes and failures. I am looking forward to the LORD’S guidance and leading in my life this new year. Listening is my biggest and just being still is hard for me. I like the word “STILL” that is my word for 2025. Blessings and I look forward to your next post.

    1. Good morning Tammy!
      Thank you for sharing this, please accept my apology for taking so long to get back to you. I will be praying for God to be with you through this journey of being still.
      “Be still, and know that I am God.
      I will be exalted among the nations,
      I will be exalted in the earth!” (Psalm 46:10, ESV)

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